A Year of our Lives through the Lense...

A Year of our Lives through the Lense...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Beginning of a new Journey

Join me as I create a year of photographs! I am so excited to start this challenge and hopefully watch my photographs grow. This challenge is to take a picture everyday of the year! I have stood by some fellow internet friends as they took this journey last year. This has inspired the photographer within to challenge myself. There will be weeks that I will ask for any topic requests, and for that entire week I will take pictures on suggested topics. My goal is to expand my horizons, as much as I love my kiddos I want to learn more about different subjects. Challenge me! Help me! This will be a fun year and I am excited that this will turn into a year journal about our life. My first photograph will be on January 1st. (Note I will be out of town this day but I will have the camera and post pictures when I return!)

1 comment:

  1. Hey b - my challenge for you is to enter the crazy world of fashion and take some fabulous pictures of girls in houseofmental or still lifes that include houseofmental!
