A Year of our Lives through the Lense...

A Year of our Lives through the Lense...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day Three: Teacher's Tip

This is to all my fellow teachers out there! I have found the best way to organize my classroom books. I spent all summer organizing and labeling and I have to say it has been the best spent hours of organization ever! Today I added about 50 books into the library and decided I would make this my picture of the day!

I have baskets for multiple subjects of books. Some of my subjects are Advanced Chapter Books, Early Readers, Junie B Jones, Magic School Bus, Mercer Mayor, Robert Munsch, Leveled Readers, and Picture Books. I have then put a colored sticky with a number or letters on the sticky. Example, all the books by Robert Munsch are in a basket with an index card with his name and a yellow dot with a RM on the dot. Then every book in the basket has a yellow RM dot. This tells the kids which basket the books belong in. Each basket has a laminated index card with the corresponding dot and code.
Here is a picture of what the Non-Fiction book basket looks like.
I hope this helps all those teachers out there organize those messy librarys :) I was so tired of books being ruined from falling off shelves. I was asked muliple questions a day about where is such and such book or what books can I read? Now I can just say " Jessica, you need to be in an ER book not the Chapter books." Easy managment on leveling books and the kids can find their books easily!

1 comment:

  1. I've tried organizing my classroom books this way but the kids never seem to be able to get them back in the right place. I've just let them go at this point but I might have to give it another try! I'm getting a student teacher in a few weeks so that might be a good project for me!
